Chiens et chats, sous la loupe des scientifiques
Chiens et chats, sous la loupe des scientifiques

Chiens et chats, sous la loupe des scientifiques


Dogs and cats amuse and move us, but scientifically speaking, what do we really know about their behaviour and the relationships we have with them? This illustrated book is a fun, light-hearted way of exploring what researchers in ethology (the science of behaviour) and sociology have discovered in these areas.


Text by Antonio Fischetti, illustrations by Sébastien Mourrain
A Co-publication Actes Sud Junior / City of Science and Industry
From 7 years old.

Number of pages
25.00 x 32.00 cm
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Actes Sud Junior
Bookshop, Kids books, Editions Universcience, Exhibitions, Dogs and cats

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