Urgence Climatique - Journal d'exposition
Urgence Climatique - Journal d'exposition

Urgence Climatique - Journal d'exposition


Designed as a souvenir of this permanent exhibition, the journal first presents ten key dates through a chronology of research on climate change, from the pioneering work of scientists in the 19th century to the major international conferences of recent decades. The scientific foundations of this awareness are then presented in an interview with the paleoclimatologist Jean Jouzel, the exhibition's scientific curator. Beyond the diagnosis, the state of research has led to strong recommendations for action aimed at public authorities. Because of the scope of the sectors concerned, this demand has become unavoidable and has gradually occupied a political space commensurate with the challenges posed, as shown by Gala Kabbaj and Yann le Lann, sociologists and members of the "Critical Quantity" research group. While the effects of climate change on biodiversity are easy to understand, it is essential to measure the impact of biodiversity loss on the processes involved in global warming, according to Luc Abbadie, ecologist and member of the exhibition's scientific committee. Indeed, "the loss of biodiversity is a serious factor of fragility". A booklet in the centre of the newspaper is made up of data design and computer graphics. It will be renewed with each new edition to keep up with the latest news on global warming.

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Technical characteristics: format 21.5 X 42 cm (with fold of recassage); 24p.; price 5.95 euros TTC).
Author of texts and interviews : Olivier Quezada
Publisher: Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
On sale : On sale at the museum shop and ticket office, on site and online from Friday 12 May 2023.
N°1 de la collection "les carnets d'exposition"

Number of pages
Publication date
21,5 X 42 cm
Bookshop, Books, Exhibitions, Urgence climatique

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