The Chemistry of Effervescence
The Chemistry of Effervescence

The Chemistry of Effervescence


The Chemistry of Effervescence invites you to discover the mysterious world of chemistry through experiments that are as spectacular as they are fun: create an effervescence reaction in a test tube, measure the pH of water, or observe colour changes in a liquid substance... in complete safety, of course!

It's an educational game that'll give your child the chance to do some science and have fun at the same time!


Contains :

3 test tubes
1 test tube holder
1 mini measuring spoon
2 balloons
2 coloured reagents
1 jar of citric acid
1 jar of bicarbonate of soda
1 pair of safety goggles

Ingredients Citric acid, Bicarbonate of soda, Phenol red, Red cabbage juice.

Warning! Not suitable for children under 8. Use under close adult supervision. Contains chemicals that are hazardous to health. Read the instructions before use, follow them and keep them as a reference. Avoid all contact of chemicals with the body, especially the mouth and eyes. Keep young children and animals away from the area where experiments are performed. Keep the experiment box out of the reach of children under 8 years of age. Eye protection equipment for supervising adults is not included. Uninflated or damaged balloons may present a choking or suffocation hazard to children under 8. Adult supervision is required. Do not leave uninflated balloons in the reach of children. Damaged balloons should be disposed of immediately. Made of natural rubber latex.

Toys, Experience kits, Creative technology, Puzzle and Logic