Urgence climatique - Roman graphique
Urgence climatique - Roman graphique

Urgence climatique - Roman graphique


Confronted with her little boy's concerns about the state of the world today, Alice sets off in search of grounds for hope.
In a story that is as intimate as it is universal, she travels back through the centuries, visiting places and talking to scientists and citizens from all walks of life.
Through this journey, she invites us to move from lament to action and to overcome the resignation that sometimes threatens us.

This comic book accompanies the 'Climate Emergency' permanent exhibition at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie.

Click here to view an extract from the novel


Text by Alice Desbiolles, illustrations by Anne Defréville
Co-published by Cité des sciences et de l'industrie / Futuropolis

Number of pages
Publication date
19,5 x 26,5 cm
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Futuropolis
Bookshop, Editions Universcience, Exhibitions, Urgence climatique

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