Expositions / DANSER

Dancing for children is instinctive, natural, immediate and spontaneous.
spontaneous. Whether they're simply moving their heads, arms or hands to the sound of music
music when they're toddlers, or hopping, jumping and spinning in the playground when they're barely older.
in the playground, at a party or simply at home: dance is, at its best, a way of life.
at home: at these ages, dance is everywhere and at all times. The body, gesture and
movement are among the first vectors of learning, communication and
expression, even before knowing how to speak, write or draw. Dancing plays a
fundamental role in a child's development.
That's why the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie is expanding its range of
of exhibitions for the very young with a new experience, Danser, which invites
experience, Danser, inviting young and old to share a joyful and spontaneous visit
in dance and music.

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