3 min to understand Hawking's great theories
3 min to understand Hawking's great theories

3 min to understand Hawking's great theories


You like to observe the stars, but you don't know anything about them. The Universe fascinates you, but the big bang, black holes, space-time and other areas of physicist Stephen Hawking's research seem hermetic to you. You've skimmed through his bestseller A Brief History of Time, the world's best-selling popular science book, without ever actually reading it. Now, thanks to 3 Minutes to Understand Hawking's Great Theories, you'll know everything there is to know about the work of this famous cosmologist...


Author: Paul Parsons, Gail Dixon
Publisher: Le Courrier du Livre
Year of publication : 2013
Number of pages : 160
Dimensions : 18.7 cm × 23.7 cm × 1.9 cm

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